Join Dancing Classrooms as we celebrate the accomplishments of our community and of students all across the metro area! Thank you to everyone who submitted videos demonstrating their “Defiant Joy” through Social Dance. The livestreamed online Zoom celebration will include select submission performance videos, awards announcements, and a fun dance break!
So, please join us on June 12 as we celebrate the power of dance in our 2021 Social Dance Showcase. Students, families, friends, teachers and all those who helped our students share their Defiant Joy this year are welcome to join this special Zoom event.
What IS Defiant Joy?
Defiant joy is actively pursuing happiness and self-expression in the face of great grief and challenge. It describes the work that Dancing Classrooms has done for the past 26 years and dance teachers across NYC and the globe have been cultivating everyday online: using movement and culture as tools to develop resilience, connection, community, and pride. Through dance and the arts, young people have talked back to the world this year and we loved hearing what you had to say!
Who should I contact with any questions?
Please feel free to contact Mary McCatty with any questions about the festival and your submission content. Contact Marielle Young with any technical questions.
Please note:
*By submitting for the Dancing Classrooms 2021 Social Dance Showcase: An Online Community Celebration of Defiant Joy, you agree to adhere to all rules and instructions, and any others explicitly stated by the event organizers during all stages of the event. The event organizers may also change or remove certain rules or stipulations depending on their collective assessment of situations, should they merit review. Submissions must be appropriate (no hate speech, inappropriate dance moves, inappropriate music, etc.) and adhere to all rules to be featured on the Dancing Classrooms Showcase webpage. This is at the discretion of the Dancing Classrooms staff.
All participants also acknowledge and understand that their provided names, videos, statement, image, and likeness of image, may be used on Dancing Classrooms social media and/or the Dancing Classrooms website in perpetuity. Participants will maintain sole copyright of the created materials and may use and reproduce the project materials as they desire.